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SoBA Fun

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A mixture of fun at the SoBA lab - 2019-2020.
The SoBA Lab gathered for a lovely Sunday morning walk up Y Garn in atmospheric Snowdonia National Park on 29 October, 2017
Emerging Social Neuroscience of Human-Robot Interaction - workshop @Bangor Uni, Aug 2017
A mixture of fun at the SoBA lab: 2017.
2016 SoBA Lab fun, including CAOs in Rovereto, Tom's viva, and Emily & Inez's graduation in July
Pictures from the 2015 Social Cognition Workshop at Bangor University - check out more information about this meeting here
Pictures from July 2015 - including Graduation (which saw the first SoBA Lab PhD graduate, the one & only Dr. Louise Kirsch!), and Fourth of July festivities
Some pictures from the Viva Day of fabulous DR. Louise P. Kirsch at Bangor University! PhD Committee comprised E. Cross (lead supervisor), P. Downing (second supervisor), and D. Mills (Chair), and the dissertation was examined by G. Thierry (internal) and B. Calvo-Merino (external). The whole lab celebrated (à la française) when Dr. Kirsch passed her viva with no corrections! Well done, Louise! 14  November 2014.
A lovely lab walk on Newborough Beach and Ynys Llanddwyn on Anglesey, November 2013
Nothing says USA! quite like an (almost dry) Fourth of July BBQ at the Downings' in Bethesda with the Americans (and honorary Americans) in the department - July 2012
A mixture of fun during our time in Wales!

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